Tuesday 24 April 2018

Preview Question paper (1) 01-40

Q.1. At what frequency corona loss is more 
a.) 50Hz
b.) 60Hz
c.) 25Hz
d.) 100Hz✔
Q .2.  Insulated cable are usually rated by their
a.) Operating voltage
b.) Operating voltage and highest operating temperature✔
c.) Operating temperature
d.) Cost
Q.3. Class B insulation can bear a temperature ( in degree centigrade) up to
Q.4. Excess 3 code is known as
a.) Weighted code
b.) Cyclic redundancy code
c.) Self complementing✔
d.) Algebric code
Q.5. To convert a moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter we must connect a
a.) Low resistance in series
b.) High resistance in series
c.) Low resistance in parallel✔
d.) High resistance in parallel
Q.6. Specific resistance of a conductor depend upon
a.) Length of conductor
b.) Nature of conductor material✔
c.) Diameter of conductor
d.) All A B and C
Q.7. A wire length R is half the length of a wire S of similar material.The resistance of R to that S is
a.) 8:1
b.) 1:1
c.) 2:1✔
d.) 4:1
Q.8. The type of slots used in armature of a High Voltage DC motor is
a.) Closed type
b.) Semi closed type✔
c.) Open type with dovetail
d.) Open type with tapered slot
Q.9. m-cells each of emf E are connected in series . The effective emf of combination will be
Q.10. Watt hour is the unit of
a.) Electric power
b.) Electric capacity
c.) Electric energy✔
d.) Electric charge
Q.11. The unit of electrical energy is
a.) Watt-sec
d.)All A,B and C✔
Q.12. Atmospheric pressure is measured with a
a.) Hydrometer
b.) Barometer✔
c.) Hygrometer
d.) Altimeter
Q.13. When the speed of a body is doubled its kinetic energy becomes
a.) Double
b.) Half
c.) 4 time✔
d.) 1/4
Q.14. Rocket works on the principle of conservation of
a.) Mass
b.) Energy
c ) Momentum✔
d.) Velocity
Q.15. Bleaching action of chlorine is due to
a.) Reduction
b.) Hydrogenation
c.) Chlorination
d.) Oxidation✔
Q.16. The Solar Eclipse occur when
a.) The sun comes in between the moon and the earth
b.) The earth comes in between the sun and the moon
c.) The moon comes in between the sun and the earth✔
d.) None of the above
Q.17. Material which store energy are classified as
a.) Dielectric material✔
b.) Insulating material
c.) Magnetic material
d.) None of these
Q.18. Variable resistor are
a.) Carbon resistor
b.) Thin film resistor
c.) Nichrome resistor
d.) Wire wound resistor✔
Q.19. The dielectric strength of Transformer oil should be
a.) 5kV
b.) 30kV✔
Q.20. Register with negative temperature coefficient are
a.) Ballast resistor
b.) Wire wound resistor
c.) Thermistors✔
d.) None of these
Q.21. In a diode the cut in voltage and forward voltage drop are
b.)0.7, 1V✔
c.)0.7, 0.6V
d.)1, 0.7V
Q.22. In BJT
a. β= α/ α+1
b.) α= β/ β -1
c.) α= β+1/ β
d.) β= α/ α -1✔
Q.23. The function of a filter in rectifier is to
a.) Limit the total current in the rectifier
b.) Limit the peak voltage of the rectifier
c.) Limit the DC current
d.) Reduce the ripple voltage in the output✔
Q.24. Thyristor can be termed as
a.) DC switch✔
b.) AC switch
c.) Either A or B
d.) Square wave switch
Q.25. An 0-10A ammeter  has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% of full scale deflection the limiting error while reading 2.5 A is
d.)none of these
Q.26. Frequency can be measured using
a.) Wein's Bridge✔
b.) Schering Bridge
c.) Heaviside Campbell's Bridge
d.) Maxwell's Bridge
Q.27. A strip Chart recorder is
a.) An active transducer
b.) An inverse transducer
c.) An output transducer
d.) Both B and C✔
Q.28. A photoconductive cell may be called
a.) Photoresistive cells
b.) Photo resistor
c.) Light dependent resistor
d.) All of above ✔
Q.29. In how many different modes a universal shift resistor operate
a.) 2
b.) 3
c.) 4✔
d.) 5
Q.30 In the CMOS inverter the power dessiption is
a.) Low only when Vin is low
b.) Low only when Vin is high
c.) High during dynamic operation
d.) Low during dynamic operation✔
Q. 31. A Boolean algebra F= (A+B) (Ā+C) then
a.) F=AB+ĀC
b.)F= AB+ĀB
Q.32. The 555 timer has _______ number of modes of operations
a.) 2
b.) 3✔
c.) 4
d.) 5
Q.33. The current drawn by a 220 V DC motor of armature resistance 0.5 Ω and back e.m.f. 200V is
a.) 40A✔
b.) 44A
c.) 400A
d.) 440A
Q.34. Crawling in induction motor is caused by
a.) Improper design of stator lamination
b.) Low voltage supply
c.) High load
d.) Harmonics developed in motor✔
Q.35. A 500 MW, 13.8 kV  star Connect synchronous generator at 0.8 PF will deliver a full load current of
a.) 12.1 kA
b.) 21.0kA
Q.36. What is the approximate efficiency of a normal thermal power station
Q.37. Generating station has maximum demand of 30 MW load factor of 60% and plant capacity 50% the reverse capacity of plant is
a.) 5MW
b.) 4MW
c.) 6MW✔
d.) 10MW
Q.38. Bundled conductor are used for EHV transmission this primarily for reducing
a.) Corona loss✔
b.) Surge impedance of line
c.) Voltage drop across line
d.)I2R Losses
Q.39. Which one of the following is to most suitable device for a DC-DC converter
Q.40. Superposition theorem is not applicable for
a.) Voltage calculation
b.) Bilateral elements
c.) Power calculation✔
d.) passive element

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